Bulk load from MySQL into file


The Bulk load from MySQL into file action bulk loads data from a MySQL table into a file.


Option Description

Action name

The name of the workflow action.


The database connection.

Target schema

The target schema.

Target File name

The target file.

High Priority

The priority to load the file with.



Field separator

The field separator to use.

Fields enclosed by

The field enclosure to use.

Optionally enclosed

Lines terminated by

The line termination string to use.

Names of columns

A comma separated list of columns to export

Limit to the…​first lines

Only export the first x number of rows

If file exists

The action to take when the target file already exists:

  • Create new with unique name

  • Do Nothing

  • Fail (default)

Add file to result filenames

Add the target file to the result filenames