Hop Encrypt

Hop Encrypt is a command line tool to encrypt (obfuscate) passwords for use in XML, password or Hop metadata files.


hop-encrypt usage:

  encr <-hop|-server> <password>
    -hop: generate an obfuscated or encrypted password
    -server : generate an obfuscated password to include in the hop-server password file 'pwd/hop.pwd'

This command line tool obfuscates or encrypts a plain text password for use in XML, password or metadata files.
Make sure to also copy the password encryption prefix to indicate the obfuscated nature of the password.
Hop will then be able to make the distinction between regular plain text passwords and obfuscated ones.


Option Description


The password to obfuscate


generate an obfuscated or encrypted password


generate an obfuscated password to include in the hop-server password file 'pwd/hop.pwd'


Hop Example

Encrypt (obfuscate) the password abcd for use in Hop workflows, pipelines and other metadata files.


  • Windows

  • Linux, macOS

hop-encrypt.bat -hop abcd

Expected output:

C:\<YOUR_PATH>\hop>echo off
===[Environment Settings - hop-encrypt.bat]====================================
Java identified as "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\\bin\java"
Command to start Hop will be:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\\bin\java" -classpath lib\core\*;lib\beam\*;lib\swt\win64\*
-Djava.library.path=lib\core;lib\beam -Xmx64m -DHOP_AUDIT_FOLDER=.\audit -DHOP_PLATFORM_OS=Windows
-DHOP_PLATFORM_RUNTIME=GUI org.apache.hop.core.encryption.Encr -hop abcd
===[Starting HopEncrypt]=========================================================
Encrypted 2be98afc86aa7f2e4cb79ce10df90acde
./hop-encrypt.sh -hop abcd

Expected output:

Encrypted 2be98afc86aa7f2e4cb79ce10df90acde

Hop Server Example

Encrypt (obfuscate) the password 'abcd' for use in Hop server.


  • Windows

  • Linux, macOS

hop-encrypt.bat -server abcd

Expected output:

C:\<YOUR_PATH>\hop>echo off
===[Environment Settings - hop-encrypt.bat]====================================
Java identified as "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\\bin\java"
Command to start Hop will be:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\\bin\java" -classpath lib\core\*;lib\beam\*;lib\swt\win64\*
-Djava.library.path=lib\core;lib\beam -Xmx64m -DHOP_AUDIT_FOLDER=.\audit -DHOP_PLATFORM_OS=Windows
-DHOP_PLATFORM_RUNTIME=GUI org.apache.hop.core.encryption.Encr -server abcd
===[Starting HopEncrypt]=========================================================
./hop-encrypt.sh -server abcd

Expected output:
