Hop Gui
Hop Gui is Hop’s visual development environment. You’ll spend a lot of time here in the various perspectives of Hop GUI.
You’ll spend most of your time building, previewing running and debugging workflows and pipelines, but there’s also a lot of configuration that can be done from Hop Gui’s metadata perspective, you can search for any metadata with the search perspective, manage a variety of files and even version control them from the file explorer perspective and much more.
This page covers a number of topics that are very specific to working with Hop Gui. Check the chapters on pipelines and workflows to learn more about creating and running pipelines and workflows in Hop Gui.
Covered here are:
File Dialog: the versatile Hop file browser and chooser dialog.
Perspectives: the various perspectives in the Hop Gui
Working with git: Manage files in the git version control system
Keyboard Shortcuts: a list of the keyboard shortcuts that are available in Hop Gui.
Hop Web: a web version of Hop Gui that provides the exact same functionality and user experience as the desktop version