Roundup July, August 2021

As always at the start of another new month, let’s have a look at what happened at Hop over the last month. Here’s the recap for July and August 2021! Hop 0.99 Release On August 7th, the Hop community released Apache Hop (Incubating) 0.99. As discussed at length in the release announcement, 0.99 is our last stop before Hop 1.0. Since we want 1.0 to be as robust as possible, the focus has been on hardening Hop, so we worked hard on finding and fixing as many bugs as possible.

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Apache Hop (Incubating) 0.99 Release Available!

The Hop community is pleased to announce the availability of the Apache Hop (Incubating) 0.99 release, our last stop before Hop 1.0. This release contains over 3 months of work. Since our 0.70 release in late April, we’ve seen a lot of activity in a variety of areas. The focus for this release was on hardening Hop to deliver our users the most scalable, robust, documented and tested Hop experience possible.

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Roundup June 2021

As always at the start of another new month, let’s have a look at what happened at Hop over the last month. Here’s the recap for June 2021! Here are some quick links for the restless souls among you: Hop 0.99 Release process VFS Improvements Importer Improvements Hop Web Various 3Hx (Hot Hop Hangout) Sessions Community JIRA Activity Hop 0.99 Release process We’ve created a couple of release candidate for Apache Hop (Incubating) 0.

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