Roundup January 2022

As always at the start of another new month, let's have a look at what happened at Hop over the last month. Here's the recap for January 2022! Hop Graduation - Apache Software Foundation Press Release Apache Hop 1.1.0 Various Community new Contributions New Committers the Apache Hop Community in numbers JIRA Activity Hop Graduation - Apache Software Foundation Press Release Everyone who follows Apache Hop knows we graduated to a Top-Level Project in the final days of 2021.

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Apache Hop 1.1 is available!!

After four months of work, the Apache Hop community is pleased to announce the general availability of Apache Hop 1.1.0. A huge thank you to everyone who made this possible.   Let's take a closer look at what Hop 1.1 brings: Known Issue Hop Server Docker Apache Beam updates and improvements New and updated plugins Hop Gui improvements Various Community JIRA Download Hop 1.1.0 or download Hop 1.

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Apache Hop Graduates as a Top-Level Project

Apache Hop Graduates as a Top-Level Project DISCLAIMER: this is a reprint of the official Apache Software Foundation press release about Hop’s graduation. The Apache Software Foundation Announces Open Source data orchestration platform Apache® Hop™ as a Top-Level Project Wilmington, DE, Jan. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source projects and initiatives, announced today Apache® Hop™ as a Top-Level Project (TLP).

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