We’ve had another couple of busy months at Apache Hop. A lot of these changes have been happening in the background, but are very exciting nevertheless. As we’re getting close to finalizing the background work, we’ll soon have more time to work on Hop platform features again. Here’s what happened over the last two months. Hop joins the Apache Software Foundation, becomes Apache Hop (Incubating)
Apache Hop - Incubation Proposal Accepted From the very start with Hop, we haven’t exactly been secretive about our intention to join the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and donate Project Hop to the ASF as Apache Hop. After almost a year of work on Project Hop, we’re very happy to announce we’ve reached a first milestone: the Apache Hop proposal was submitted to the incubator mailing list on September, 9th and has been accepted!
It has been about 2 months since our latest release, and a lot has happened! We’re happy to announce to availability of our 0.30 preview release. Please take it for a spin. If you find a bug, please create a bug ticket, if there’s functionality you’d like to see, please create a feature request. Direct download here Getting Started Guide Release Notes: 0.30 Over 100 tickets have been closed in this release, here we will discuss the major changes.